Home > How To Fix The Facebook Attachment Unavailable Error

How To Fix The Facebook Attachment Unavailable Error

How To Fix The Facebook Attachment Unavailable Error

It is hard to believe that Facebook was launched just fifteen years ago. Many people can’t even fathom a world in which this social media giant doesn’t exist.

This isn’t too surprising, however, consider that more than 2 billion people around the world have an account.

Well, as impressive as the platform may be, it also has a couple of flaws that users have to contend with.

One of the more frustrating ones that you may have come across is the “Facebook Attachment Unavailable” error. If you are entirely sure why this issue is cropping up or what to do about it, you have come to the right place.

Below, you will find out the reason behind this problem as well as figure out the different ways that you may be able to overcome it as well…

Why Does This Error Show Up?

There are two times when this error becomes an issue. The first is when you try to view a picture or post put up by a member of your group. The second time is when you are informed that other people are receiving this message when they try to view something that you have posted.

So, let’s take a look at just why this might be happening. To start with, here is a closer look at the full message that you will receive when faced with this problem:

“Attachment Unavailable. This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.”

In short, this error has to do with privacy settings. What most people don’t realize is that every image or post has certain privacy measures attached to it. So, if you try to share it with individuals who don’t have authorized access, then they will be faced with that message.

On a similar note, this is exactly what you will see if you try to view a post or image that hasn’t been specifically authorized for you. Of course, in many instances, this is done unwittingly. Since people aren’t aware of the privacy laws, they aren’t aware that they need to change it.

What You Can Do to Fix It?

Now, it is important to understand that you can only correct the problem if it is your posts that others can’t see. If you are unable to view someone else’s posts, then you need to inform them of this. They will need to make the necessary adjustments on their end. Here is what you can do for your own posts:

Adjust Settings to Public Sharing

Your first solution would be to check on the privacy settings prior to putting up the post or image.

This can be done fairly easily. You can start by going to your own wall on Facebook. Once you are here, there will be three horizontal dots that will provide you with access to a dropdown menu, click on these.

Once you have done this, you will have to select from the News Feed or the Your Story options. Here you will be able to define “Who should see this?”

Then, you can select the Public option. This way, everyone who views the post will be able to see it.

Upload Post to a Group

Do you only want to share the post to a particular group in your list? Well, in this case, you can do so directly rather than first sharing the link with everyone.

To do this, you should go to Groups, which you can find on the main page of Facebook.

Then, it is just a matter of selecting which group you would like to the post to appear to. By making use of the Add Photo/Video option, you can select what it is that you would like to post. Now, as you are doing it, make it a point to check the security settings as with the previous solution. Change it to Public and then proceed to upload the image, video, or post.

Change the Original Security Settings

Now, if you aren’t the creator or owner of a particular image, there are still privacy measures in place. However, because you aren’t the original source, there is nothing that you can do about these measures. So, if you were to upload or share the post as is, there is a good chance that others may not be able to see it.

In such an instance, you are going to first need to download the image onto your computer.

This will allow you to access the properties and change some of the settings in place. After saving it, go to Properties and opt for the General tab.

At the bottom of this box, you will find a Security section. Below, there will be the following message:

“This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer”. There will be a box with the word “Unblock” on it. Tick on this. You should then be able to upload the image without any issues at all.

Change Your Privacy Settings Permanently

Do you mind who can see your Facebook posts? If you aren’t too concerned with the content of your image or posts, then you may be willing to share them with anyone at all. If this is the case, then you can change the privacy settings once and for all.

Follow these steps for this process:

Settings > Privacy > Your Activity > Who can see your future posts > Edit > Public

Now, this move should effectively get rid of the error indefinitely. However, if you do select this option remember that all of your posts now are completely public. If you don’t want to limit what people can see on your profile, you will have to change back the settings once more.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways to fix the Facebook Attachment Unavailable error. Regardless of what the cause is, one of these solutions should be able to help you out. You can then go back to posting images the same way that you used to.

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